Once connected to your equipment's air intake, dirty air enters the precleaner.
Air passes through angles vanes, which are designed to precisely direct air flow and move the dirty air towards the impeller.
Air continues to move toward the one-piece impeller which creates a tornado inside the housing
The centrifugal force of the tornado kicks dirt particles, chaff, dust, snow, rain and almost anything else out of the discharge louver.
The newly cleaned air then enters the engine intake pipe, leaving only very light particles to be removed through the filter.
Case Study
Our customer had continuous problems with the OEM dust cup / Venturi tube system. The dust cups and Venturi tubes would plug and fill up with dust, becoming difficult to maintain and clean out. It would cause vibrations in the airbox and the air filter would tear, letting dust through and into the engine.
The advantages of Mammoth precleaners is that they continually expel all the dust back into the environment - dust isn't 'stored' inside the precleaner like the OEM system, so this significantly lowers the risk of dusting an engine when our precleaners are installed.
The main benefit the mine has seen is zero maintenance required. Our customer had dusted two engines—worth around $500,000 each—and almost a third before installing a Mammoth precleaner.
Since installing the precleaners, they haven't dusted any due to air filter failure.
We will work with your team to outfit a single piece of equipment with our Air Precleaner System for no charge.
Mammoth Equipment's air precleaners provide many benefits, such as:
Lower Fuel Consumption
Less Downtime
Reduced Maintenance
Engine Longevity
Fast Return On Investment
Cut Down Filter Consumption
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